
As commonly seen in a sicklers life is getting hospitalized and getting cared for by a nurse and even
doctors at times that has little to no knowledge of Sickle Cell or doesn’t even know what it is. So we
thought what better way to bring awareness to such a large and important group of people than by their
every work day attire. Sicklers specializes in scrubs and other medical wear and accessories.

Sickle cell is a blood disorder that is mutated from birth where the red blood cells can change in certain
situations and cause pain. Normal healthy red blood cells are a perfect circle shape, but when a red
blood cell is sickled and unhealthy it turns into a banana shaped cell. These cells then get stuck in the
vein arteries and stick together with other sickled and normal red blood cells to then cause a clog in the
vein. When that vein is clogged it restricts healthy blood flow throughout the body and cause pain more
times than not cause a sickle cell crisis.

Here at Sicklers we are based out of Boston Massachusetts and we have a “For Us, By Us” Motto…
Meaning our Sicklers uniforms are designed managed and sold by people with sickle cell. Our company
owner is a fellow sickle cell carrier who also incorporates sickle cell and sickle cell carriers in a lot of
different sides of the company to shed light and build awareness to the illness. The proper medical term
to identify an individual with sickle cell is the word ‘Sicklers’, so we thought why not take it and expand
it into bigger terms.

We also incorporate other sickness’ diseases and complications with a main focus on shedding a light on
Sickle Cell Disease to bring awareness to complication.

We are now starting to take crowd funding for the SICKLERS Brand. To become a part of this bigger
cause of broadening sickle cell disease awareness and to be an investor in our brand follow any of the
steps below.