About Us

What is Sickle cell?

Sickle Cell is a blood disease found in humans. It is a mutation in the red blood cells that changes them
from a natural healthy circle shape, to a banana or ‘sickled’ shape.

Once this occurs to prohibits healthy blood flow and oxygen through out the body, causing that area of
the blockage to then have discomfort, pain, and even swelling.

Sickle Cell is NOT something you can ‘catch’ or contagious. But it is something you can possibly pass on
to your offspring.


Here at Sicklers, our mission is to bring awareness to Sickle Cell Disease. We target medical professionals
which are one of the most important group, but unfortunately some of the most mis-informed
individuals on sickle cell, or some not being informed at all. By starting with them, we can get sicklers
the help they need, shed a deeper light on it, and push the disease to the forefront of the medical field
as one of the most known and fought for health issues; just like asthma, cancer, and diabetes. Posterior
to heightening everyone’s awareness, and care for sicklers we can potentially find a simpler, yet efficient